‘Στου κουφού την πόρτα, όσο θέλεις βρόντα’ is one of the best known and most widespread Greek proverbs throughout Greece. It literally translates to ‘at a deaf person’s door, knock as much as you want’ and is used when someone is indifferent to his surroundings or the situation in which he is. The proverb wants to show us that the result is given in advance (the deaf will never hear the door knock). Therefore, the person in question will never pay attention to what is happening or what he is being told. Another variant, also known and comical, but not bibliographically recorded, is: ‘Στου κουφού την πόρτα, πάρ' την πόρτα και φύγε’ meaning ‘at the deaf person’s door, take the door and leave’